July 11, 2011


Hush. It's been a long time since I last update this blog. Kinda lack of interesting ideas. I think I'm not such good writer though. I don't know how to pleased peoples with words because my vocab is weak. But I still want to post this because I want to express all my feelings here. If you dare to read, go on.

My holiday is almost over. After two weeks of doing nothing and such boredom. Everyday, every single seconds doing the same things. But it does not mean that I didn't have fun at all. There are some but if want to present it in percentage it would be extremely low. So I have about one more weeks to get through to get some life before going back to my college for a rugby tournament.

So firstly I think i'll tell about my sadness and boredom and disappointment for the first two weeks of my semester break. Everyday i'm doing the same things repeatedly such as sleep, eat, TV's, FB's, downloaded movies, games, iPhone, texting. All the damn bullshit boring things. Every morning I woke up late and for sure my mother will give her special speech to me. O my lovely mother, you're so caring. Life must go on. So I just kept her words in my mind. It might be a useful guide for me. After series of boring days, I had to get through the sadness and disappointment. All begin with this "hard to understand" girl. The one that i've known for quite a long time. Our relationships as friend were just fine until the day she started her mid-year school break. She just ignored me without any reasons. I'm really pissed off. Until now she still does not giving any explanations. Each time i text her, the reply that i'll get is "sorry i'm busy". WTH! hurgh. really hate this kinda situation. But hard to say that I act love her. Maybe she doesn't like me any more or else. Never mind. I think i need to stay calm and focus. But not enough with that such of disasters, another come. Peoples that like to mess with me. The freaking customer at my mum's restaurant. I almost lost my patience. I feel like want to use my hands to flow my anger out of me. Each time i get mad my body will shiver and shakes to control my anger. hurgh. They're just lucky because i don't like to yelled at people in public. WTH! Customer is always right?! Not always! There will be a moment that a customer will not be right you damn a.hole! It really spoil my moods.

Feuhh! What a terrible holiday. Despite of all sadness and disappointment I have also gone through some series of joy and gay. I've watched Transformer 3 and Mr. Popper's Penguins which really made my life. The movies were really cool and hilarious! Besides I also hang with my old friend which also a relative of mine and kinda making new friends. More than that, i've also started my driving licence class. So by the end of this year  i can drive a car and go find some fun with my friends. Not to forget the girl that stay close to me and cheer me up. WAWA :D I don't know what to say. To like her or to love her because i don't want to hurt anybody's feelings any more. And also to be hurt. Really hate that. Okay just forget about that. And one more thing, the final semester 1 results! I heard form a friend of mine saying that i got 4.00 for the exam. It's kinda hard to believe but i hope what he was saying be true. I'll be really thankful if i got that such results.aamiiiin :)
The last but not least, i'm still counting days towards my birthday! I wish all my friends remember that and wish me. Really can't wait for that. XD

Hush. I think there's no more that i want to write because the longer i write, more boredome will you get :P
what a nice hypothesis.ahahaha. I'm sorry if my post is kinda boring to you. Like i've said earlier that i'm not a good writer and not good with words. So bear that in your mind. But if you want to help me by giving any ideas of writings just tell me. Thank you for reading and toodles ~~

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